Jesus Only Testimony 1

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In early March this year I went camping with a friend. I was hours from home deep in the TN Smokies with plans for some rigorous hiking on the AT when I realized, “Oh, no! I left my blood pressure meds at home! ”. I had taken BP medicine for 29 years.  There was no CVS around the corner so my options were to turn around and go home or trust Jesus. I chose Jesus! He spoke to my heart, increased my trust in his promise and was with me. The next day I did a strenuous 9 mile hike with 3000 feet of elevation change at 6200 feet… and felt great! No worry, no strain- just His presence in me.  Praise God I have not taken any blood pressure medicine since then and I’m thankful for his healing every day! it wasn’t complicated… His yoke is easy and His burden is light…He is who he says he is!

– Noel Fields