Where to start?? I received an inheritance recently. And you know I did not do ONE thing to deserve or earn it. It was because who I was born to. Doesn’t that sound like our Father? A grace story for sure. Again, I did nothing!!! In fact, my grandfather, who was the initial source passed away about 50 years ago and so I wasn’t even aware at the time, what my inheritance would be. I also still listen to you and BJ every day over and over; remember when BJ talked about us having habits because we live in this world, like preparing to stop at a stoplight, or preparing to buy popcorn at the theatre. Well he said anticipating, inspecting and envisioning the future, was the habit that we just have to learn with God and Grace. Then you said that God already has been to my future and he’s just waiting for me to partake of it! Is not that the definition of FAITH? Well, I am so thankful.