You have been given a great inheritance as a child of God. You have been adopted into a royal family, and been given all the privileges and benefits of a child of the King. Yet the truth is that many believers live like orphans instead of fully enjoying their status.
The enemy loves to convince believers that they are not worthy. He assaults us with guilt and feelings of inferiority. Don’t let him! You are righteous and holy and forgiven in the eyes of God.
Never let anything or anyone convince you otherwise. Hold fast to your identity. Understanding who you are in Christ will provide the proper perspective to life.
“Father, I pray that You will help me to live today as a new creation in Christ Jesus. I know that You have plans for my good, and I cling to Your love and faithfulness to me. Help me to be clear in my understanding of your eternal life. It is the place where my identity is birthed and maintained through faith.”