Christmas Message from Jim Hockaday

by Jim Hockaday

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

God couldn’t wait to announce that He would finally be at peace with men. Angels flew over the little town of Bethlehem as they waited the birth of the savior of the world. His name was Emanuel, God with us.

The celebration was very much anticipated. God had from the time of Adam and Eve’s sin interjected prophetic words with types and shadows to foretell the birth of Jesus. With the reign of sin on the earth for four thousand years peace was a lost understanding. Man has been forever trying to please God with works so that God wouldn’t judge him with wrath. How sad!

The intention of our Creator was to establish a family on the earth. How quickly sin thwarted that plan and brought punishment and destruction into our lives. Man has no hope in the earth without a savior. This is why the angels sang in unison, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace…” Jesus had come as the mediator between God and man to redeem man from sin. The price was high, but the reward was even higher. A Family would be born out of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. His death would release us from sin and His resurrection would fill us with the Glory of His life. Oh, what joy!

Hope restored would bring creativity back into the hearts of man. Peace which every heart longs for would be instantly experienced as this baby born in Bethlehem who is now both Savior and Lord of those who have received Him would remove sin as the obstacle restoring once again fellowship with God. The joy of our salvation is now possible. Every man must know that God is at peace with mankind. One simple prayer will receive God’s grace to be changed into a child of God.

One baby was born, one life was given, Limitations have vanished – With God all things are truly possible. Peace in your heart is where it all starts. Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.

Let me remind you again that the seed you sow in good ground, watered and protected by the prayer of faith, will produce a God-size harvest. AND because you and I serve the God of “more than enough,” He has no problem fulfilling His part of the principle of sowing and reaping and still has enough in His storehouse to provide you with the desires of your heart… this is the time to PRAISE GOD for His gift of a Savior… God is at PEACE with mankind!