WOW! Is not this one of the most interesting times for the church? There is a definite shift in priorities. While the world calls for the supernatural, as discovered by the movie-makers; the church finds itself struggling for identity. The history of the church shows us that this is not the first time for compromise and disinterest to creep into the church. In parts of the world where the gospel is just now being introduced there is great excitement and acceptance—where there is great lack, there is great hunger.
However, we all know that where worldliness and resources are in abundance, an earnest desire for the things of God usually declines. I believe here in the continent of North American that God is going to help the church to turn the corner, so to speak, in the next few years.
I believe that the Spirit of God is revealing to the church the real character of God. His love for us! The message of God’s grace and love are the cornerstone to establishing a clear perspective once again. The message of “who we are in Christ” will be confirmed through demonstrations of God’s goodness to man. The world needs the Jesus of the New Testament “after the cross.” We the church must be free from all the traps set in sin-consciousness so that the real power of God can manifest through any one at any time. The greatest demonstration of all is Love that hung on a tree for all to see and receive. It is a new day! We need to put aside the old methods of legalism and return to a Jesus gospel that exalts the finished work of Christ.